Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Driving in Costa Rica

I have to tell you guys about driving here in Costa Rica.  If you think LA rush hour traffic is bad, you should come see Costa Rican's drive.  I am no longer afraid to teach my girls to drive, because I have been completely desensitized to crazy driving.  Lanes, speed limits, stop signs, street lights, when they exist are merely suggestions to a Costa Rican driver.  If they need to pass you, they will, if it takes driving on the sidewalk, the other lane, passing stopped school buses that are letting out kids, whatever.  Pedistrians do not have the right of way.  In fact, the only right of way they have to to get out of the WAY RIGHT now.

So you'd think that with all the crazy driving, there must be massive death rates, accidents, and rampant road rage.  Nope.  They are crazy, but careful.  They know the limits of their skill, which surpasses most NASCAR drivers, and the limits of their cars. I have yet to see an accident, an angry driver, or anything else.  But it is the best e-ticket ride you will ever buy.

I rode in the front seat of a cab the other day, and held on for dear life.  Brakes are for stopping RIGHT NOW, not gently coming to a stop.  And buses, holy cow, buses.  Imagine the same kind of driving attitude, but moving a several ton vehicle.  Since they are so big, they have automatic right of way.  I was almost ran over by one when my group crossed a street against the light. Es stupido Americano!

There's no maximum occupancy on the buses.  The bus was so full coming back from a field trip that this one dude had to stand in the stairwell entrance.  And this moring, a guy was sitting on the dashboard.  Standing room only is the norm here.

More later, stay tuned!

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